Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dr. Gupta on Music Therapy

Hello everyone and welcome back,

Lately, the music therapists have been discussing often about the attention music therapy is having in the media. This is always something important for all the people in the healing arts. Believe me when I say that many people confuse MUSIC THERAPY with THERAPEUTIC MUSIC (which I am going to discuss later on). Often people have said to me: "Music therapy! oh yes, you put relaxation music to people." Music therapist do much more than that! We evaluate each case and develop an individual plan of treatment made specifically for the person to be treated.

As there is a need to inform the public of what music therapy really is and how is unlikely that you will find it in a "SPA", it is very helpful to have someone like Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who does medical news and reports for a well known television network, expressing himself in favor of music therapy and how it is helping, in this case someone with a brain injury such as Rep. Giffords.

Please take a look to his article:

This is a nice article. Dr Gupta immersed himself in the therapy process that a person with brain injury would to recover.

Enjoy the article and tell me what you think! What is music therapy for you??

Much love,


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